Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Lots of snow here in Michigan today. I have shovelled parts of my driveway a couple of times. Very deep - they are estimating that the total accumulation is about 8 - 12 inches. Funny thing about weather though - have you ever noticed that the total snowfall (especially if it is a forecast) seems to remind you of some fishing tale that you have heard?? Each time you hear the story, it gets bigger and bigger (or in this case, deeper -- oh the irony!!).

I have to work tonight, so I was very concerned about having to shovel the whole driveway. I was curious though, since I now have a mini van that sits quite a bit higher than my car - so I put the dogs in the van (they were outside while I was shoveling), and we backed down the driveway. No real problems, so I was like YES I am getting out of shoveling - at least for tonight. I have to sleep sometime. I backed the van back into the garage, so that should make my departure for work that much easier....

Well, I need to go let the dogs out and then lay down for a little bit. I've only gotten like 4 hours of sleep :(
I also have to leave about 1/2 hour earlier than normal, just in case...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Long time, no posting....

Here's a quick update:

The holidays were great, had my family over on Christmas day for dinner. Lots of people - but very fun!!
I started working at Metamora Products Corporation on December 2. I work 3rd shift production - my shift is from 12 am until 8 am. Jenny and I are carpooling, so the drive is not too bad at all. Having someone to talk to (besides myself) is nice!!

I traded in the Cavalier last week for a 1999 Pontiac Montana. I LOVE IT!! I am not sure how the insurance is going to go, but the payment more than doubled. :P Oh well - the Cavalier was getting too small!! We also got a new puppy just before Christmas - her name is Zoey. She is a DOLL. She and Sparky are buddies - and she and Shanny (the cat) even get along!!
I got a 30 cent raise at the first of the year, and I will have another 2 raises (I think) coming up - at least one. After I get my six months in, I will be making more than I was at GM. I am also bringing home more $$ because I am not paying for insurance (I am on Ray's), plus I am now in the "married" tax bracket.

School starts tomorrow - I do not have my books yet - since I just ordered them on Friday.
:P I am not taking any Mott classes this semester, because I have 11 credits at Ferris - more than enough!!

Well, I need to get some stuff together and take a nap before work.